1. occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way. A “fortunate happenstance” or “pleasant surprise.”
My MIL asked me last week if I would take her friends from Georgia with her to Seattle and give them a little site-seeing tour. We would only be there for one day with the long drive from Portland to there and back, but I said yes and we made plans to leave early Monday morning. On Sunday night I received a text at 9:45pm from my sweet client Erin (with the most gorgeous Maternity session ever) asking if there was any chance that I could come up to photograph her family that were all flying in the next day. Her last twin finally came home from the NICU on Saturday, so not only was her planned family visit perfect timing to the hospital release, but my happenstance to be coming at that very time I can only define as “Serendipity”. I feel so so so blessed. I mean, how much would it suck to miss out on THIS…???